Monday, June 22, 2015

June 21

Jeff gave me a ride to the trailhead and I began hiking at 10:30.  It was a tough 14.8 miles over Styles and Peru peaks until I reached the next shelter for the night.  When I was within a mile of the shelter the skies opened up.  I hiked as fast as was safe but reached the shelter wet  but not soaking wet.  I had the shelter to myself which was nice because I could spread everything out to dry.

AT expenses:  Doing the entire AT can be and is expensive.  I've read  many articles and watched several YouTube videos on the subject,  like most hikers prior to leaving.  Most say it will cost between two to four thousand dollars.  I've also heard that it's about $1.25 per mile .  Of course that number can be less or more.  It all depends, at least from my experience, on just how many times you stay at a hostel or  motel, and what and where you eat when you eat out, and your resupply.  As well the number of side excursions can and do add up  to some serious money.  Yet another expense is the purchase of new or different gear than what you came with.  So it's a mixed bag of expenses .

On the other hand there are the hikers who try to Yogi as much as  possible because they have no or little money, and I've come across a bunch of them.  That word is in reference to Yogi Bear the cartoon character.  🐻  These hikers are always trying to bum or mooch food, supplies, smokes, and drugs, especially weed from whomever.  I've seen some people who will spend nine dollars for a pack of cigarettes yet never have a dime for a hostel stay, or think five dollars is too  much to pay to tent camp.  But when it comes to their drug, cigarette smoking, or alcohol addictions these items become their #1 priority on the trail.  You meet all types on this trail.  😐 

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