Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 19 / 20

The Appalachian Trail here in Vermont follows the Vermont Long Trail for 105 miles and then veers off towards New Hampshire for the remaining 45 miles. The Vermont Long Trail is 273 miles long and runs the length of Vermont.  Many of the hikers I've encountered are hiking the Long Trail.

It started raining again around midnight and it continues into the morning.  I'm packing up in my tent and I'll probably have to wait until a lull in the rain before I venture out and onto the trail. 

Hiked 13.9 miles and am staying at the William Douglas Shelter tonight.  I have the shelter to myself.  Earlier I went by and climbed to the top of the Stratton Mtn. lookout tower.  Took several pictures from the top.  Later while hiking I ran into Sparkles, Heatpack, and Rolling Thunder.  They are staying one shelter back from me.  Tomorrow I will stay at a hostel in Manchester Center, VT.

6 / 20  It was a chilly night last night which was good because it kept the mosquitoes grounded.  I started hiking at 8:15 and made it to the highway that goes to Manchester Center, VT about 10:30.  Buster and Motzart were there hitching a ride with me. We hitched a ride into town, 5.4 miles away, and ate lunch at a Subway before I called Jeff the hostel owner who picked me up there. His hostel is very nice and only costs $30 a night which includes breakfast, snacks, ice cream and free use of his washer and dryer.  Plus he gives you a ride back to the trailhead in the morning.  

So I come to find out that the caterpillar that's reeking havic is the infamous Gypsy Moth.  Lymantria dispar was introduced to the north eastern US in 1869 from Europe by accidental release.  It's classified as a pest and can consume over 500 species of tree leaves and shrubs.  The Gypsy Moth is one of the most destructive pests of hardwood trees in the eastern US.  It has caused the widespread defoliation of over 80 million acres of trees.

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