Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 7 / 8

It rained all day on the 7th.   Hiking in the rain just plain sucks.  I walked 8.6 miles in both drizzle and downpour.  By the time I reached the shelter after hiking for 6 hours, even with my rain gear on, I was soaked.  My clothes bag and my sleeping bag are in separate dry bags so I had good dry clothing to change into.   My buddy chef showed up about 3 hours after I did.  As well 2 other hikers were there, Voltran and Pigeon.  We all slept dry in the shelter through a night of lightning, thunder, and torrential downpours.  By morning the storm had passed.

4  / 8 :  The day was the exact opposite of yesterday.  It was partly cloudy with the sun poking out from time to time.  Managed  to hike 15.7 miles and am tent camping near Vandeventer  Shelter.  Damascus, Virginia, 34 miles away, is the next city we're all shooting for.  It's another 2 days further.

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