Sunday, April 5, 2015

April 6

4 / 6     Many of the counties I've hiked through are 'dry' counties, alcohol free.  I've encountered several hikers from this region who are, what they refer to as part-time moonshiners.  If they're not making moonshine they're making beer or wine.  One guy said its easy and cheap to make and beats driving to the next county.  Most love blue grass music and anything to do with a banjo or hamonica.  Lots of hillbillies in these parts.  

I'm at mile 401.1  Mountaineer Shelter.  I've crossed the 400 mile barrier  ☺.  The weather today was great as was the hike, I made good time.  It's supposed to rain later on tonight and for the next day or two. With this forecast I'm glad I'm here and not tent camping.  This is a very nice shelter with a good water source nearby.   There are 8 of us here for the night.

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