Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 28

It continued snowing off and on all night.  In the morning everything  was again frozen.  My hiking boots were like two blocks of ice.  My water bottle and camelback were also frozen.  The inside  of the   shelter had  a dusting of snow in it.  It was a long cold night for the four of us there.  Once somewhat warmed the hike to the city of Hot Springs began.  I ended up just 3.2 miles shy of town,  too exhausted  to continue.  I did 14.8 miles total, alot of which  was walking through snow.  I'm at a shelter with two others.  Tomorrow for sure I'll be in town and resupply as well as spend a night at a motel, eat out at a restaurant and as rest up.


  1. Greetings Micheal glad to hear that you are doing well hope things get a bit easier for weather wise. Keep reading your blog and continue to hope for the best for you . One of your friends from Indiana.

  2. Greetings Micheal glad to hear that you are doing well hope things get a bit easier for weather wise. Keep reading your blog and continue to hope for the best for you . One of your friends from Indiana.
