Sunday, March 29, 2015

March 26 / 27

Stopped into Standing Bear Farm Hostel this morning for a quick shower and did some laundry as well.  Left at 11:30 for the next shelter.  The hike was difficult with a 2500 ft elevation gain.  Reached the shelter at 5 pm.  So the total milage was 10.6 for the day.  The next goal is Hot Springs, North Carolina which is about 25 miles further.

27th:  Last night around 9 pm it started raining and it never let up all night long.  It was good to be in the dry shelter with all my gear.  The only thing that must be outside in the rain is everyone's food bag hung on the provided cables.  The food bags are waterproof.  So I started hiking this morning in a light sprinkle that quickly  changed into freezing rain and then snow.  The temperature  dropped  like a rock into the twenties.  It snowed steadily until about 3pm along with a howling wind.  I've stopped at the Roaring Fork shelter for the night.  I only did 8.2 miles but they were cold and hard.   Tomorrow I hope to make up ground and maybe reach Hot Springs.

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