Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March 29 / 30 / 31

In Hot Springs, North Carolina at a hostel.  It's 9am and I'm about to leave again for the trail. 

3 / 30  The weather gods have shown mercy and it hasn't rained all day.  I was able to make good milage today because of the weather change. I'm at mile 293.5, Little Laurel Shelter with 6 other thru hikers.

At close to 500 million years old the Appalachian mountains formed during the assemblage of the super-continent Pangaea.  As I walk, climb, and trek through them I can see and experience how erosion has relentlessly worn them down.  An ice age here, an uplift there, and millions of years of weathering have shaped these once mighty peaks into the well rounded, roughly 2000 to 6000 ft. mountains of today.  Coming from El Paso, I think of how in my backyard, within the Franklin Mountains, I have N. Franklin Peak.   At 7192 ft. it's about 600 ft. higher than any in this eastern U.S. mountain range.

3 / 31  Came across some trail magic near Interstate 26 right where the AT crosses it.  Scrambled eggs, hash browns, sodas, huge seedless oranges, homemade muffins.....yummy☺ and best of all, free!

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