Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 21/ 22

It was a nice night at the shelter.  It did rain but only briefly.  I awoke  however to a surprise.  The mice chewed a hole in each of my wool hiking socks.  Thankfully the holes are up around my ankles so they're  still usable.  I'll have to buy new ones and from here on out hang my socks out of their reach as well.

The trail is soggy, muddy, and mushy.  It's difficult to walk on at times all due to the recent rains.

I've stopped for the night at a place called Woods Hole Hostel. The  next shelter was an additional 3 miles but I'm just too tired.  I've been hiking now for 10 hours.  I'm at mile 621 so I've done back to back 20+ mile days.  Met some men from Sweden also staying at the hostel, who were touring Appalachia and had a fabulous breakfast with them.

4 / 22  Made it to Pearisburg, Virginia and of all people ran into my my buddy chef at the post office.  Turns out he was 30 miles ahead of me and did an about face to return to Pearisburg to pick up a package.  So we decided to stay at Holy Family Hostel with the Arkansas twins and another thru hiker who goes by croc rocket.  It's really a nice place right next to a Catholic church and it's a donation based hostel.  We all went to a nearby Wal Mart and bought supplies for barbecued fajitas, bratwurst, corn on the cob, garlic bread, and fresh strawberrys, which we cooked on the barbecue grill at the hostel.  We washed it all down with various brews.  It was great. 

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