Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 3

It rained all day on the  3rd.  A slow constant  drizzle.  I had to set up my tent in the rain which I've  done before so I know the drill.  No fun to say the least!  Today, the 4th, I walked 8 miles and made it to the resupply point, Neels Gap.  I was able to secure a spot in the hostel, took a glorious shower, and did my laundry.  I feel human again.  There are already well over  200 people on the trail.  The weather has really been crappy.  It's  like walking in a cloud with a constant mist.  No great views at all.  The sun tried to poke out but that was very brief.  There was one event that took place  yesterday  when the  trail  crossed  a dirt road and there was a man and his wife there  offering up some  "trail magic" in the form of pancakes, hotdogs, potato  wedges, and sicky sweet coolaid....It was heaven!!!!

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