Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 2

Trail, weather and notes:  the trail was either covered in snow, ice, ice slush, or mud today due to the  recent  snow storms.  Walking at times was difficult as you  can  imagine.   Last night I slept in  a shelter with  16 other hikers  because  I  didn't  want  to setup  the  tent  in  the snow.  It wasn't  bad at  all.  It didn't  get below freezing and I was warm throughout the night.  I had my ear plugs  which  worked  well for the folks  that snore, me included.  Eight slept in the loft and eight below.  No mice to speak of.  Walked 12 miles today  with  few open  views because  of the fog and  mist.  Sleeping in my tent tonight.  Most of the people I encountered on the  trail  were of the college  age group or other's  retired like  myself .  So far  all is well  except  for me being out of  shape  and winded on the  uphill climbs.

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