Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March 16 / 17

Did 9.1 miles today.  Camping at mile 140. 4 with another hiker who goes by Chef  and hails from Florida.  The next big goal is Fontana Dam and  the  southern  boundary  of the  Great  Smoky Mountains National  Park.  The  weather  today  was again  perfect. 

17th:  Had a great night camping, and the weather, although overcast at times, was good all day.  The hiking however was tough which  included an overall 3000 ft elevation gain.  Today was a hard 10.7 mile day.  At Stecosh  Gap, NC,  I caught a ride into  Robbinsville  and checked  into  a hotel for a long overdue shower, laundry, and a small resupply.  Tomorrow  it's  back to the trail.

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