Monday, March 16, 2015

March 13 / 14

Only able  to  hike  9.4 miles today again due to the afternoon  showers.  I'm  tent  camping  at  the  Wayan Crest picnic area.  There are four other  people camping here as well.  One guy is sleeping in his hammic.  The weather forecast calls for clearing  skies  tomorrow  and for the next few days.  I hope  they're  right.

14th:  It rained off and on all night long yet again.  The forcast of clearing skies  isn't happening.  It's  8 am now and  I'm  stuck in my tent.  At least I have  my am/fm radio with me.  I can listen  to NPR and get caught up on the news.   Without it I feel I would go stir crazy.  With all of this rain over the  past few weeks,  I sure miss  El Paso's  high dry desert  climate.  Hiking  is much more  challenging  when the trail has a slick, gooey and thick layer of mud covering it.   I slipped and fell down several times yesterday.  Hiking without  poles would be near impossible,  everyone  uses them. 

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