Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 10 / 11

It rained  off  and  on  all  night  last  night.   It was  good  to be  dry in the  shelter.  So I crossed into North  Carolina  today around 11 am.   Goodbye  Georgia!   Hiked 12.2 miles.  Camping  in the  tent  tonight  because  the shelter here is full.  It's  a small one, only holds 6 people.   I had  to  set  up the tent  again  while  it was sprinkling.  The  tent sites are located adjacent to the shelter.  There's  about 6 other tents up.  No views to  speak  of during the hike today because  of the  fog and mist again.  Wish the weather  would  improve  but the forecast  is for more rain. 

11th:  I started  hiking at 6:45 this morning.  I was  able  to see one good  view  of the  Appalachians and  snapped  a photo.  The  hiking  was good and it didn't  start  raining until 1 pm but did  it  ever rain, a constant  downpour most  of the afternoon.  Today  I hiked  16 miles, my longest to date.  Made it to a shelter  around 3 pm.  There's  14 people  here for the  night.  Tomorrow the  plan is to hike 4 miles down  from the shelter to a pick up point for a ride into Franklin, North Carolina  for  a well deserved  zero day.  I'll  stay at a hotel and rejuvenate, resupply,  charge up all of my devices  and upload my blog.

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