Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 20 / 21

I made it to Monson, Maine in the afternoon.  I'm staying at Shaws Lodging and was able to get a private room.  I will stay here for a nero.  This is the last outpost at the southern end of the 100 mile wilderness.  I want to stay here and rest for the remainder of the day and sleep in a bed tonight before heading out into it.  This will be the last major section of the AT and wilderness before Baxter State Park.

The 100 mile wilderness is described as arduous and unforgiving but extremely beautiful.  I'm thinking it will take me 6 to 8 days but who knows.  Eight days would mean a 12.5 mile daily average.  The weather and trail conditions will be major factors.  I'm going to carry enough food for 8 days so my pack will be heavy to begin with.  Water won't be a problem.  I'll keep up with my blog but will have no contact with civilization, only other hikers.  Once out of the 100 mile wilderness I will still have to enter Baxter State Park for the climb up Katahdin, but I'll be able to resupply prior to the final climb.

7 / 21  I'm often asked, so what's it like to hike the trail?  Well the AT from my perspective is really just steping on, over, and around rocks and roots, and rocks and roots, and more rocks and roots.  And then it's always up and down, and up and down.  I mean you're constantly having to look down and maneuver around these obstacles which are rocks and roots.  In a millisecond you decide on a safe foot placement hoping you don't slip.  Then many sections are just about straight up or straight down and you wonder how am I ever going to do it, yet you do.  When you do reach a summit and other hikers are there, they look at you and nod with approval.  No words need be spoken.  They know and you know just how much you busted your butt to get there.  So you smile, soak in the glory and view, snap some pictures, and bask in the fact that you did it.  And then you wonder, what's next......

So I'm planning on leaving for the trail at 9 am this morning.  Wish me luck.....I have 114.5 miles to go.

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