Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 15 / 16

Left the hostel on the 7 am shuttle for the trailhead.  It rained a bit last night but it's nice now.  It is overcast with a cool breeze and temperature, just right for hiking. 

I've come across more ponds and lakes since entering Maine than I have in the entire southern states.  Most are very picturesque.  It also seems like the forest is thicker and more densely populated with the various pine species than before.  The way the forest smells is fabulous. 

7 / 16   Had a good uneventful night in my tent.  As I hiked this morning I saw more wildflowers now than in the past.  Of course it's warmer and time for them to bloom and reproduce.  It's pretty here, and the weather is nice and cool again.  Today will be a milestone occasion in that I will cross the 2000 mile mark. ✌  My plan is to hike to the highway that goes into Stratton, Maine and do a small resupply and a possible nero day at a hostel there.  My feet and legs could use the rest. 

OK made it to Stratton, Maine.  The weather is beautiful, I hope it lasts.  I'm here at the Stratton Motel and hostel.  I'll bunk here tonight and return to the trail again in the morning so this will be a nero instead of a zero for me. 

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