Saturday, April 4, 2015

April 2 / 3 / 4

On the trail again.  Stopped at Curly Maple Gap Shelter which is only  4.7 miles from Erwin, Tennessee.  Didn't get started until 11:30 from the hostel. 

4 / 3  On the trail by 6 am.   I slept well last night and it was warm this morning packing up.  Made excellent time and did 4.1 miles to Indian Grave Gap in 1.5 hours where a guy called Fresh Ground was doing trail magic.  Had a pancake, cup of coffee, and some mixed fruit.  It really hit the spot after the brisk morning hike.

Ran into a thru hiker who goes by Max Heap.  He was coming from Maine.  Said he started last summer but injured his foot and took 3 months off.  Anyway he's only the second south bound hiker I've come across on the trail so I thought I would take his picture.  In his case he only has about 360 miles to go. 

Did 8 miles today, all uphill.  It's supposed to rain this afternoon and   tonight so I camped a bit early.  There are 7 other tents here.  So far just a sprinkle no downpour but it's only 6 pm.  If it's going to rain let it rain tonight not tomorrow while hiking.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Maxheap (Michael Goshey) here to say thanks for the chat and for the nice photo above. I completed my 10 month thru-hike ordeal (4 months hiking -> 4 months injured -> 2 months hiking) when I summited Springer on April 29th, and am back home now in Minnesota. Good luck on wrapping up your hike and I'll check in periodically on your blog! Hike on brother! Max
