Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 18 / 19

I'm at Fontana Dam reservoir North Carolina, near the foothills of the Smokies.  Camping tonight at the so called Fontana Hilton Shelter  which has a restroom and shower facilities.  This shelter is one of the nicest on the AT.  The shelter can accommodate 20 people but I along with several others would rather tent camp, it's such a calm, quiet  evening.  My tent opening is facing the reservoir so I have a great view.  I'm at mile 165.8, still a long, long  way to go but I feel as though I'm making  progress.  Today was a difficult 15.1 mile day with a lot of uphill.

19th:  It  started  raining  around  midnight  and never let up.  Had to pack up with a slight sprinkle.  😕  Back  to  the trail.........

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